Do Neurons support languages other than CircuitPython and Arduino? MicroPython? PlatformIO?

Yes. We actively support Arduino and CircuitPython, but we have also tested MicroPython and Platform.IO. We can confirm that MicroPython is compatible with the Neuron ESP32S3 module. The ESP32-S3-WROOM-I module on the Neuron is the same module as that used on  Espressif’s ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1-N8R8 development board. You will want to use the MicroPython firmware.bin file for the Generic ESP32-S3 (SPIRAM Octal) firmware located here:

You will need to install the required toolchain for MicroPython (Python, Esptool and a MicroPython IDE). Popular IDE’s for MicroPython include Thonny. Before using MicroPython you will need to put a compatible firmware.bin file on the Neuron. To do this, use the following commands in a terminal session using ESPTOOL:

Ensure the Neuron is placed in BOOT mode (hold down the BOOT button, then press RESET) before uploading the firmware.

In the terminal session enter the following: --chip esp32s3 --port COM15 erase_flash

Following the erase command, initiate the firmware installation. --chip esp32s3 --port COM15 write_flash -z 0x0 ESP32-S3-SPIRAM-OCTAL.bin

Press the reset button on the Neuron.

Note: Please change “COM15” to the COM port that the Neuron is connected to on your computer. Change “ESP32-S3-SPIRAM-OCTAL.bin” to the filename of the firmware  file you downloaded from

Here is a blink example to test your MicroPython configuration:

import machine
import time

pin = machine.Pin(47, machine.Pin.OUT)

for i in range(10):

We are also currently testing PlatformIO and can confirm that the Neuron works with the Espressif ESP-DevKitC-1-N8 board preset or via a new ESP-IDF project using ESP-S3 chip (via built-in USB-JTAG).

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