Yes. We actively support Arduino and CircuitPython, but we have also tested MicroPython and Platform.IO. We can confirm that MicroPython is compatible with the Neuron ESP32S3 module. The ESP32-S3-WROOM-I module on the Neuron is the same module as that used on Espressif’s ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1-N8R8 development board. You will want to use the MicroPython firmware.bin file for the Generic ESP32-S3 (SPIRAM Octal) firmware located here:
You will need to install the required toolchain for MicroPython (Python, Esptool and a MicroPython IDE). Popular IDE’s for MicroPython include Thonny. Before using MicroPython you will need to put a compatible firmware.bin file on the Neuron. To do this, use the following commands in a terminal session using ESPTOOL:
Ensure the Neuron is placed in BOOT mode (hold down the BOOT button, then press RESET) before uploading the firmware.
In the terminal session enter the following: --chip esp32s3 --port COM15 erase_flash
Following the erase command, initiate the firmware installation. --chip esp32s3 --port COM15 write_flash -z 0x0 ESP32-S3-SPIRAM-OCTAL.bin
Press the reset button on the Neuron.
Note: Please change “COM15” to the COM port that the Neuron is connected to on your computer. Change “ESP32-S3-SPIRAM-OCTAL.bin” to the filename of the firmware file you downloaded from
Here is a blink example to test your MicroPython configuration:
import machine import time pin = machine.Pin(47, machine.Pin.OUT) for i in range(10): pin.on() time.sleep(1) time.sleep(1)
We are also currently testing PlatformIO and can confirm that the Neuron works with the Espressif ESP-DevKitC-1-N8 board preset or via a new ESP-IDF project using ESP-S3 chip (via built-in USB-JTAG).